Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Consume me

Greetings from the keyboard. I should probably introduce myself, so hey I'm Sam, & that's a Sam in the female version. Oh yeah..

About me? Well, I'm 19, on the crest of becoming 20, studying a BA Communications. I'm doing this to get my GPA up so I can transfer to a BA of Creative Industries at QUT, & learn how to be a generic creative professional. Not really, but my humour is not easily transferable over the complex wires, signals, inputs, & outputs of the World Wide Web.

As you can probably tell, I'm not much of a computer person. This probably stems from my paranoia about how much of my information is available to sources that I do not grant permission too. Too help me overcome this fear (& too enable me connect to the holy bible of the web), I have created various aliases. Secret web aliases.

*Tumble weeds blows past, as an eerie wind whistles through an empty valley*

Sometimes this makes me feel as if I were some kind of superhero, but not the cool, spandex-clad femme fatales that grace the pages of glossy comics, more so the cheap, Hong-Kong version of a Hollywood classic.

Wow. So I'm going to cut it short here now kids. After all, mystery is sexy, & sex sells.
Over & out. SS

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